2/23/11- Select Emma Collection dolls are now available for purchase at CMC's new Etsy shop,
The CMC Studios Store!
10/20/10- Three new dolls added to the main collection. Also, introducing The Emma Collection: Fairytales Series, featuring
three new dolls! View the new series here:
Emma Collection: Fairytales Series
6/3/10- I will be bringing Emma dolls when I appear in the Artist Alley at New York Comic Con, October 8-10. More details
will follow as they become available.
3/22/10- Come see the Emma dolls at I-Con 29 this weekend! Visit
http://www.iconsf.org/artshow.php for more information on the show. Eleven dolls will be available for purchase at the convention, including a never before
seen 12" Gwendolyn doll.
11/4/09- Christine Caton celebrates the one year anniversary of the debut of The Emma Collection with the creation of
a fan club! Also, visit
www.christinecaton.blogspot.com to read more about Emma's anniversary!
8/10/09- Official Christine Caton Blog is now live
7/23/09- 3 new 6" dolls added!
7/20/09- Biographies and images are available on the Emma, Gwendolyn, and Lola pages.
7/2/09- 10:54pm The Emma Collection website is now live!
6/29/09- Doll page has been updated to include all dolls in the current collection as well as information on each doll.
6/26/09- Most pages are functional. Check back soon for full updates and complete pages.
6/25/09- Production on The Emma Collection website has started.