
14" Emma Doll

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14" Emma Doll is made of polyester with cotton fiberfill and a wire armature for limited poseability in the arms, legs, and waist.  Emma's face is hand-drawn. The hair is also attached by hand. Non-removeable frock dress was made out of felt by the artist. The hat is also non-removeable and was made out of wood. The shoes are drawn on. The scarf is cotton with a wire base and can be removed and styled. Emma doll is signed and dated 2008 by the artist.

The Emma Collection is copyright © 2010 CMC
Site created and maintained by CMC
Emma Collection dolls are currently made using a Fibre-Craft pattern

Please Note: The Emma Collection art dolls were created to be display pieces and are not intended for play. These dolls may be created using a variety of artists' materials and should only be given to children upon parental discretion.

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